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Extensive range of quality
Evolution Aqua Products

We offer years of Koi and Pond experience combined with a
top-notch product line.

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Welcome to Nexus Eazy we would like to thank you for visiting our web-site.

This entire site is dedicated to the extensive range of quality Evolution Aqua Products. We offer years of Koi and Pond experience combined with a top-notch product line.

Now you can BUY DIRECT from one location –

Evolution Aqua are now the industry’s leader in delivering proven, innovative products for the aquatics and fish farming markets, serving over fifty countries. and Evolution Aqua are the EASY choice for the first -time pond builder who is looking for professional Filtration equipment, and the serious fish keeper who is counting on superior quality and customer service.

At you will find larger, more detailed pictures and the most information available to help make your pond planning decisions and finding anything NEXUS - EASY!

We have laid the navigation out so things are a snap to find, and we invite you to browse the site, or for more rapid solutions, use our site search feature to locate exactly what you are looking for in record speed.

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  • Eazy Pod Air
    Eazy Pod Air

    The best small pond filter just got better ! Due to popular demand the Eazy Pod is now also available with an Airtech 70 Air Pump kit

  • Sequence Pumps
    Sequence Pumps

    Sequence are well known for saving people money! The entire range is unbelievably efficient when it comes to how much electricity they use. With running costs as low as 14p per day, the money you'll save on electricity bills will soon pay for the pump. Check and see what wattage you are using at the moment.

  • The Cetus Sieve
    The Cetus Sieve

    The Cetus Sieve is a bow screen pre-filter, made using the latest rotational molding technology. With all of its benefits and build quality, the Cetus Sieve is undoubtedly the best of its kind on the market today, regarding quality and performance!