Sequence are well known for saving people money! The entire range is unbelievably efficient when it comes to how much electricity they use. With running costs as low as 14p per day, the money you'll save on electricity bills will soon pay for the pump. Check and see what wattage you are using at the moment.
Sequence are well known for saving people money! The entire range is unbelievably efficient when it comes to how much electricity they use. With running costs as low as 14p per day, the money you'll save on electricity bills will soon pay for the pump. Check and see what wattage you are using at the moment.
N.B. 100 watts on average in the UK will cost you 1.1p per hour. Double the watts, you double the cost. See what you are spending already on your pump and see how Sequence can make a big difference!
For example: A Sequence 12000s that uses 82 watts will cost you on average and approximately £79 per year. A pump that is rated the same at 12,000 litres per hour and uses 250 watts, will cost you £241 per year! A pump that uses 1,000 watts, will cost you £960 per year. That's why we call it "the pump that pays for itself"!!
Through innovative research and design Sequence pumps have been developed to deliver substantial flow rates at comparatively low wattages, being very economical for powerful pumps.
The Sequence centrifugal pumps are designed and built to meet the special needs of ponds, waterscapes and aquaculture. Buying "quality" really pays. Not only do you get years of dependable service, but you enjoy tremendous savings on your electricity bill, every month.
These are the work horses of the industry. They provide tremendous flow rates, with enough pressure (head) to handle the requirements of most systems with biological filters and moderate height waterfalls. They are also used extensively for the transfer and re-circulation requirements of filtration systems, water features, streams, fountains and aquaculture.
The entire range of Sequence Pumps are 'marinised' which means they are siutable for use in salt water, swimming pools and fresh water. The Sequence Pumps now come with a 3 year warranty.
Sequence Pumps are In- line, external circulation pumps, with a well earned reputation for being very reliable and having a high performance, they also deliver large flow rates at extremely low running costs
Sequence Pimps are well known for saving people money! The entire range is unbelievably efficient when it comes to how much electricity they use. With running costs as low as 14p per day, the money you'll save on electricity bills will soon pay for the pump. Check and see what wattage you are using at the moment.
N.B. 100 watts on average in the UK will cost you 1.1p per hour. Double the watts, you double the cost. See what you are spending already on your pump and see how Sequence can make a big difference !
If you are not pumping filter cleaned water, you will need a Sequence strainer basket (below) for your Sequence pump, simply screws onto the inlet of the pump - two models are available depending on which pump you are using. Check them out!